November 2 and 3, 2023
Centro de Congressos do Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa
BEM VINDOS / WELCOMEThe XV Portuguese Conference of Polar Sciences will be held at Instituto Superior Técnico on the 2nd and 3rd of the November 2023, organized by the group of Extreme Environments of Centro de Química Estrutural (CQE).
Like in the previous editions, the conference aims to present the recent advances of the national scientific community in the Arctic and in Antarctica. This year, the conference will also explore the link between Polar Regions and Astrobiology, in particular the potential of the Arctic and Antarctica as terrestrial analogues of celestial bodies of the Solar System. Thus, we would like to invite the Portuguese Polar and Astrobiology communities to join us in Lisbon in November 2023. João Canário and Zita Martins IMPORTANT DATES
Please take into consideration that each talk should last for a maximum of 12 minutes, followed by 3 min. of discussion. The chairs of each session will be very strict concerning the time for each presentation. |
Poster presentations should be prepared in A0 format with no specific template. |
Registration Fees (€)
Until October 26
After October 26
* Early Careers Researchers (ECR) are Master and PhD students, or researchers with less of 5 years of PhD
Until October 26
- ERC* - 30€
- Regular - 35€
After October 26
- ERC* - 35€
- Regular - 40€
* Early Careers Researchers (ECR) are Master and PhD students, or researchers with less of 5 years of PhD
- Empresa : IST-ID
- NIF : 509830072
- Conta : 0373011495830
- NIB : 0373 00011495830 47
- IBAN : PT50 0035 0373 00011495830 47
PROGRAMA / PROGRAMNovember 2, 2023 : 9H00 - 18H00 November 3, 2023 : 8H30 - 18H00 XV Portuguese Conference of Polar Sciences (XVCPCP)
Instituto Superior Técnico 3rd of November of 2023 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM 8:30h - Registration
9:00h - Welcome Professors João Canário and Zita Martins – Chairs of the XV CPCP Professor José Lopes – President of Centro de Química Estrutural (CQE), IST Professor Teresa Duarte – President of the Department of Chemical Engineering (DEQ), IST Professor Rogério Colaço – President of Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) Professor Cecília Rodrigues – Vice-Rector of Universidade de Lisboa Professor Madalena Alves – President of Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) 9:30h - The COASTANTAR 2024 Expedition: Western Antarctic Peninsula Coastal Environments under a Changing Climate Gonçalo Vieira 9:45h - Keynote 1 – Polar Research: the bridge to Space Research Jean-Pierre de Vera Session 1: Astrobiology and Planetary Sciences Chairs: Zita Martins and Diogo Gonçalves 10:15h - Spectroscopic Methods to Identify Biosignatures: Analysing Arctic Ice Samples as Models for Icy Moons Francisco Calapez, et.al. 10:30h - Coffee Break and Poster Session Session 2: Cryosphere Chairs: Gonçalo Vieira and Pedro Freitas 11:00h - Cryogrid potential for modelling permafrost temperature in Maritime Antarctica (Barton Peninsula, King George Island) Joana Baptista, et.al. 11:15h - 70 years of shoreline change dynamics (1950-2020) in the Tuktoyaktuk Peninsula, Beaufort Sea, Canada Bernardo costa, et al. Session 3: Social and Human Chairs: Pedro Quinteiro and Santiago Villalobos 11:30h - Portugal and the Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meetings: 10 years and counting José Xavier, et.al. 11:45h - How Perceived Social Isolation, Paranoid Thinking, and Reflexivity Shape Team Performance in Antarctica Wintering Teams Pedro Quinteiro, et al. 12:00h - Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in the Portuguese Polar research Teresa Cabrita, et al. 12:15h - Early Career Researchers as ambassadors of Polar Literacy: the importance of education and outreach Joana Fragão 12:30h - Lunch 14:00h - Keynote 2 – Active conservation of the Arctic John Moore Session 4: Terrestrial Environment Chairs: Pedro Pina and Vasco Miranda 14:30h - Vegetation mapping since late 1980s using remote sensing and machine learning in Barton Peninsula, King George Island, Antarctica Vasco Miranda, et.al. 14:45h - Mercury in antarctic soils: A comparison between two locations of the South Shetlands Islands (King George and Deception Islands). Preliminary results Catarina Louro, et al. 15:00h - Characterization and recent dynamics of tundra mosaics in MOSAICS IN Kangiqsualujjuaq, Subarctic, Canada Diana Martins, et al. 15:15h - Variation of Optical Properties of Dissolved Organic Matter from Two Thermokarst Lakes in a discontinuous permafrost area (Kangiqsualujjuaq, Nunavik, Quebec, Canada) Leonor Carvalho, et al. 15:30h - Insights on the microbial communities involved in the mercury methylation pathway in two thermokarst lakes from the Canadian Subarctic. Joana Costa, et al. 15:45 - Multi-platform remote sensing for assessing the variability of permafrost thaw lakes and ponds (Eastern Hudson Bay, Subarctic Canada) Pedro Freitas, et al. 16:00h - Coffee Break and Poster Session Session 5: Atmospheric Chairs: Irina Gorodetskaya and Cláudio Alarcón 16:30h - Record-breaking temperatures and surface melt over the Antarctic Peninsula in 2022 driven by a compound event with climate change attribution. Irina Gorodetskaya, et.al. 16:45h - Determination of PWV using GNSS at Cierva Cove (Antarctic Peninsula) R. Fernandes, et al. Session 6: Marine Environment Chairs: Catarina Magalhães and Eva Lopes 17:00h - Antarctic toothfish Dissostichus mawsoni as a bioindicator of trace and rare earth elements in the Southern Ocean? José Queirós, et.al. 17:15h - Phytoplankton response to climate change in the West Antarctic Peninsula: findings from a 25-year satellite perspective Afonso Ferreira, et al. 17:30h - Ice Fish's Shield: How Hemoglobin's Absence Battles Mercury in Antarctica José Seco, et al. 17:45h - Monitoring Arctic microbial communities across the Svalbard Shelf Catarina Magalhães, et al. 18:00h - Closing Session Joana Fragão Gonçalo Vieira João Canário Zita Martins POSTERS Astrobiology and Planetary Sciences Poster 1 - Uncovering the Habitability of Titan’s Summer Pole Diogo Gonçalves, et al. Cryosphere Sciences Poster 2 - Surface deformation analysis in Coastal Yukon using InSAR: the case of Komakuk. Matilde Salgueiro, et al. Poster 3 - Automatic mapping of thermokarst lakes in different physical states on the Tibetan Plateau Yuanyuan Qin, et al. Social and Human Sciences Poster 4 - Pairing biodiversity assessments by scientists and tourists: a conceptual framework to increase data collection and to promote societal environmental awareness and sensitivity. Paula Matos, et al. Terrestrial Environment Poster 5 - Role of terminal electron acceptors in the organic matter degradation in three permafrost thaw lakes in North America: Nunavik and Alaska João Coelho, et al. Poster 6 - Total mercury and methylmercury dynamics (Mercury methylation and methylmercury demethylation) in waters from thermokarst lakes in subarctic Canada. Manuel Soares, et al. Poster 7 - Machine Learning classification of Antarctic vegetation: Methodological generalization focusing on a latitudinal gradient Vasco Miranda, et al. Poster 8 - Microscale is key to model Antarctica vegetation under climate change Paula Matos, et al. Poster 9 - Gradients and hotspots of metal contamination in soils from Fildes peninsula, King George Island, Antarctica Rute Cesário, et al. Atmospheric Sciences Poster 10 - Microbial insights into precipitation composition on the warming Antarctic Peninsula Ksenija Vučković, et al. Poster 11 - Multi-sensor measurements of snowfall particle size distribution in the Southern Ocean and coastal Antarctica Claudio Duran, et al. Marine Environment Poster 12 - Construction of a dataset of prokaryotic diversity from Kongsfjorden, Svalbard and Fram Strait Francisco Pascoal, et al. Poster 13 - Biomagnification of mercury along Southern Ocean foodwebs José Seco, et al. Poster 14 - Thermal tolerance and metabolic physiology in the antarctic giant amphypod Paraceradocus miersi under simulated heatwave conditions Kurt Paschke, Pedro Guerreiro, et al. Poster 15 - will photoperiod and temperature asynchrony affect the physiology of antarctic fish? Pedro Guerreiro, et al. Poster 16 - Life on R/V MIRAI: a portuguese Phd student on a japanese vessel Eva Lopes, et al.
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2 NOVEMBRO 2023 / NOVEMBER 2, 2023
É com orgulho, que apresentamos a 14ª edição do Workshop APECS Portugal: “Lost in Communication - How to Improve the ERCs Communication Skills?”. O qual irá decorrer no dia 2 de Novembro de 2023, no Instituto Superior Técnico, na Universidade de Lisboa.
Nesta edição iremos abordar a importância da comunicação de ciência nas suas mais variadas formas, seja com recurso à fotografia ou à apresentação oral. Posto isto, para além da componente teórica, na parte da tarde haverá uma parte mais prática onde poderás desenvolver as tuas skills comunicativas e adquirir novas competências. Não percas esta oportunidade de estender a tua rede, conhecer colegas e cientistas, e aprender novas ferramentas para o teu futuro. O workshop é GRÁTIS, apenas requer registo. Consulta o nosso linktree para te registares. |
It is with great pride that we present the 14th edition of the APECS Portugal Workshop: “Lost in Communication - How to Improve the ERCs Communication Skills?”.
The workshop will take place on November 2, 2023, at the Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon. This year we will address the importance of science communication in their different forms, whether through photography, writing or public speaking. Hence, in addition to the theoretical side, there will also be a focus on the practical part, where you can test and improve your communication skills. Don't miss this opportunity to extend your network, meet colleagues and scientists, and learn new tools for your future. The workshop is FREE, just requires registration. Check our linktree to register. |
Em 2023 chegamos à 6ª edição do Workshop PEI Portugal com a integração deste workshop num dos dias da Conferência Portuguesa de Ciências Polares. Mais um passo nesta ligação Educação-Ciência. Assinalando a década das Nações Unidas das Ciências do Oceano para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável, as atividades decorrerão sob a temática “Uma Maré de Conhecimento”.
Nesta edição haverá espaço de partilha e contacto entre cientistas e professores durante a manhã, assim como atividades de caráter mais prático da parte da tarde sobre como introduzir a Ciência Polar na sala de aula. Esta formação encontra-se em processo de acreditação. |
In 2023 we reach the 6th edition of the PEI Portugal Workshop with the integration of this workshop in one of the days of the Portuguese Conference on Polar Sciences. Another step in the Education-Science connection. Marking the United Nations decade of Ocean Sciences for Sustainable Development, activities will be developed under the theme “A Tide of Knowledge”.
In this edition, in the morning, there will be space for sharing knowledge and establish contact between scientists and teachers, as well as develop more practical activities in the afternoon on how to introduce Polar Science in the classroom. This training is in the accreditation process. |
PEI Portugal - Polar Educator International - Portugal
[email protected]
[email protected]

Sophie Weeks
Is the President of The Polar Educators International (PEI) group.
Is the President of The Polar Educators International (PEI) group.
Sophie Weeks is a science communicator based in Cambridge, UK. Having originally trained in both science and art she enjoyed a 20-year career in Museum and Gallery Education working for the British Library, London Borough of Camden and several University of Cambridge museums. Her passion for the polar regions grew while developing and managing the education and outreach programmes at the Scott Polar Research Institute (SPRI), engaging a wide range of audiences through the Polar Museum and working directly with polar researchers. She participated in IPY2012 Montreal and co-ordinated the PEI 2019 conference in Cambridge, working with colleagues from PEI, SPRI and British Antarctic Survey. She is a member of her local Makerspace and an advocate for Making and constructionist learning. Her passion for engaging people in research and ideas has driven her to produce the Art and Science Soiree, a vehicle for encouraging collaboration between creative thinkers in both the arts and science. From https://polareducator.org/about-pei/council-2022/ She is now the President of The Polar Educators International (PEI) group.
Centro de Congressos do IST Instituto Superior Técnico Campus Alameda Av. Rovisco Pais, 1, 1049-001 Lisboa CONTACTOS / CONTACS : [email protected] |
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